What is the difference between Therapy and Coaching?

Therapy is a type of mental health treatment that addresses and treats psychological issues. Coaching is a personal development service that focuses on helping individuals achieve specific goals or make changes in their personal or professional lives.

Therapy sessions explore the root causes of emotional and psychological difficulties, developing coping skills, and addressing problematic behaviors or thought patterns, while life coaching sessions help clients clarify their goals, develop a plan of action, and stay accountable as they work towards achieving their objectives. Coaching sessions often involve discussing topics such as career goals, relationships, self-improvement, and personal growth.

What is the ICF?

The International Coach Federation (ICF) is the leading global organization for coaches and coaching. ICF is dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification, and building a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals.

How often does someone see a coach?

The number of sessions with a coach depends on the client's needs. It could be just a couple of sessions to work on a specific issue or on a consistent basis, usually once a week or every two weeks, for a committed period, typically 3-6 months.